
The Promiseland Project


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the Promiseland Project?​

A: The Promiseland Project is a long-term marketing and grassroots campaign to unleash the power of Purpose to bridge the cultural divide here in America.

Q: Why was the Promiseland Project founded?​​

A: The Promiseland Project was founded to make good on America’s promise: to do whatever it takes to ensure that all Americans who work hard and take responsibility get the opportunity to develop and live up to their full potential.

Q: What is the mission of the Promiseland Project?​​​

A: Our mission is to launch and sustain the power of Purpose-inspired communications to shine a light and engage Americans on common ground initiatives. We are starting with 10 key initiatives that will help unlock America’s potential and give our nation, our economy and our people the opportunity to reach their full potential.

Q: What is the goal of the Promiseland Project?

A: ​The Promiseland Project has a vision that in 2026, as we are celebrating our nation’s 250th anniversary, America has dramatically narrowed the cultural divide and is united around her mighty Purpose. She will be making good on her promise to give all Americans who work hard and take responsibility the opportunity to develop and live up to their full potential.

Q: What is meant by America’s promise?​

A: America’s promise is to do whatever it takes to ensure that all Americans who work hard and take responsibility, the opportunity to develop and live up to their full potential.

Q: What does being Purpose-driven mean?

A: Purpose is why you exist. Purpose is the definitive difference you are trying to make in the world. We believe in the power of Purpose. Politics is the great divider. Purpose is the great uniter. Politics is done behind closed doors. Purpose is the key to opening doors and unlocking America’s promise and full potential. The Promiseland Project is here to unleash the power of Purpose to bridge the cultural divide in America.

Q: How can I get involved?

A: There are three simple yet sacred commitments when you sign on to The Promiseland Project:

1. You deeply believe in the Purpose of the project: to unleash the power of Purpose to help bridge the cultural divide in America.

2. You agree to spread the word about the Purpose, Mission and Vision of The Promiseland Project.

3. At some moment over the eight years of The Promiseland Project’s journey, you - at your own pace and level of commitment - agree to consider getting involved and working on behalf of one of the 10 Keys that we deeply believe are some of the critical keys to unlocking America’s promise and potential.

Q: How did you decide on the 10 Keys?

A: We at The Promiseland Project do not have the corner on the smarts. But being led by Purpose-based leaders who have been in the real world arena of helping people and organizations discover or rediscover their Purpose, we believe that these keys will unlock the doors to our economic full potential and our human full potential. And in that process, will also unlock the door to Americans finding common ground and beginning the long journey of bridging the cultural divide.

This Key Principle brought to you by Founding Member: